The house at Gemeindestrasse 27 has been owned by the Foundation Psychology Club Zurich since December 20, 2012. However, the actual life of the Club, the place where people from all over the world visit, is defined by the Psychology Club and its history.
In January 1918, more than a hundred years ago, the Psychology Club was able to purchase the property on Gemeindestrasse and finally move into it in September 1919. For decades the Club was the owner of this house. When the C.G. Jung Institute was founded in 1948 as the first training center for Jungian analysts and psychotherapists, the Club provided it with the necessary rooms. Until 1980, when the Institute moved to Küsnacht, the Club and the Institute lived under one roof. The house on Gemeindestrasse was the center of Jungian psychology for many years, where students, lecturers and visitors from home and abroad came and went.
The property on Gemeindestrasse had to be renovated several times, for example in the early 1980s, then again and on a larger scale in 2012. Since the house and garden are protected under urban heritage conservation, the renovation had to be comprehensive and thorough, but at the same time careful and respectful of the historical substance of the house. Existing features were to be preserved, but the apartments and practice rooms as well as the rooms of the Club were to be adapted to today's needs. The financial outlay of this comprehensive renovation was great. And it was only thanks to the extremely generous financial support of two benefactors, who wished to remain anonymous, that the renovation became possible.
In order to secure the preservation of the house financially over the long term, beyond the moment, the board of the Psychology Club decided at that time to undertake a far-reaching restructuring. And so, in 2012, the Foundation Psychology Club was established. Its purpose is “the cultivation of psychological science based on the psychology of C. G. Jung, in particular by operating and managing a place of activity with the greatest possible Swiss and international impact.” With this step, which so far has proved very successful, the life and work of the Psychology Club was separated from the administration of the property.
The house at Gemeindestrasse 27 is the place where the life and work of the Psychology Club takes place. This house contributes to the fact that the spirit and soul of Jungian psychology have here an earthly home.